dimanche 23 janvier 2022

Mini pommes vertes

mousse Bartramia pomiformis

L’espèce de cette mousse est Bartramia pomiformis. Ses capsules ont une rondeur caractéristique en forme de pomme qui lui a donné son nom.

On les trouve sur des rochers dans les forêts acides et souvent proches des ruisseaux comme ici.

mousse Bartramia pomiformis


Bartramia pomiformis, the common apple-moss is a species of moss. It is typically green or glaucous in hue, although sometimes it can appear yellowish. As in many species of mosses, they are curled when dry but stick out when moist.

The capsules are particularly distinctive, and gave the common name being spherical and asymmetric, initially green but becoming brownish and ridged with age.

Reddish rhizoids can often be seen on the stem.

The species is found in acidic or neutral substrates, particularly rock ledges, but also walls and earth banks. These sites are typically humid and shaded, often near streams as this is the case here. 

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